colline reggiane


Our home region of Emilia transcends all stereotypes not only with its exceptional cuisine, but also with its incomparable hospitality and lifestyle. This is reflected in the authentic atmosphere at Barbaterre, where the hours and the days gently, steadily drift by at their own pace, helping to revitalize the bodies and spirits of visitors. At the same time, Emilia is known as a land of innovation, so our chef has given a fresh twist to the ingredients traditionally used by the housewives who did all the home cooking in the old days, adding an original touch to traditional recipes. Due to its stunning location, anyone stopping for a meal at Barbaterre can enjoy spectacular views, whether they’re sitting indoors or out on the large terrace. Little can compare to the vineyards, rolling hills, gullies and centuries-old woods in the breathtaking landscape.

If you’re looking for a heavenly spot where you can find good food, peaceful surroundings and natural beauty, Barbaterre is the ideal place to enjoy a meal.


We can organize outstanding events in our agritourism establishment, our vineyards and our olive grove. Sign up for our newsletters or follow us on social media for all of the latest news about our initiatives. 


Are you looking for somewhere to celebrate events such as birthday and graduation parties? We can offer you hospitality, great wine and exceptional cuisine. 

Get in touch to ask us for more information about your event. 


Every year, a whole host of couples choose to spend the most magical day of their lives with us. A unique, unforgettable occasion like a wedding should be celebrated in a big way. Our agritourism establishment can be decorated to suit the style of your wedding.

Get in touch and ask for more information now

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buone feste

Chiusura Natalizia

Carissimi clienti,

Vi informiamo che per festeggiare il periodo delle vacanze natalizie, il nostro e-commerce chiuderà temporaneamente da lunedì 24 dicembre 2024 a lunedì 6 gennaio 2025 per permettere al nostro team di godersi un meritato riposo e tornare con energie rinnovate.

Potrete continuare a navigare nel nostro sito e fare acquisti durante questo periodo; le spedizioni riprenderanno regolarmente dal 7 gennaio 2025.

Il nostro team desidera ringraziarvi per il vostro continuo supporto e la vostra fedeltà. Auguriamo a voi e alle vostre famiglie un sereno Natale e un felice Anno Nuovo!

Grazie per la collaborazione e arrivederci a presto!