

The lands of Matilda of Canossa: a rich mix of history and tradition

Barbaterre is set within the magnificent scenery of Terre Matildiche (Matildine Lands), a hilly area between the cities of Parma and Reggio Emilia whose landscape is a unique blend of outstanding historical heritage and an exceptionally rich natural heritage. The land has maintained a strong and lasting connection with the Countess Matilda of Canossa, whose vast legacy is reflected by the numerous castles and strongholds still standing today, a testimony of the political and religious importance of these sites during the Middle Ages.

Its many castles, some of which have turned into ruins while others are still intact, are evidence of the influence exercised by Matilda of Canossa and of the power she held for so long over this territory. Canossa Castle, Rossena Castle and Bianello Castle, the latter being situated in the vicinity of Barbaterre, are the visible legacy of a small kingdom that enjoyed a period of unparalleled power and influence around the year 1000.


“What matters is respect for nature and for the earth, because that is the only way to make a wine that is music, harmony and pleasure at the same time.”

Luigi Veronelli


Our vineyards are sited on mineral rich, predominantly calcareous clayey soils, on hilly areas with steep, south-facing slopes enjoying good exposure to the sunlight. Thanks to these features, combined with a peculiar microclimate that provides constant ventilation and a good day/night temperature range, the grapes ripen steadily and evenly.

Our vineyards cover almost ten hectares of land and include the varieties traditionally grown in the hills around Reggio Emilia, like Lambrusco Grasparossa, Salamino and Malbo Gentile, as well as Marzemino, which has always thrived in these areas. Some non-native varieties like Pinot Nero, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc have adapted perfectly to the local terroir and have become an integral part of Barbaterre.

Olive groves

Our olive groves are situated in the immediate vicinity of the winery. We manage the olive trees using the same organic farming practices we adopt for our grapes.

We produce superior quality organic, unfiltered oil obtained directly from our olives (Leccino, Casaliva, Maurino, Pendolino and Urano) and using exclusively mechanical cold pressing extraction methods. The oil, made by selecting the best olives and pressing them immediately after hand harvesting without any further processing, has very low natural acidity, which ensures its superior quality. It tastes fruity and has the fresh and fragrant aroma of ripe olives.


Dedication, simplicity and transparency.

These three words encapsulate the essence of Barbaterre, the very same essence that characterizes Franco, the wine-maker and heart and soul of the winery and his wife Maria Grazia.

His goal is to transfer this essence, year after year and with great commitment and perseverance, into the bottles we produce here at Barbaterre.

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Carissimi clienti,

Vi informiamo che per festeggiare il periodo delle vacanze natalizie, il nostro e-commerce chiuderà temporaneamente da lunedì 24 dicembre 2024 a lunedì 6 gennaio 2025 per permettere al nostro team di godersi un meritato riposo e tornare con energie rinnovate.

Potrete continuare a navigare nel nostro sito e fare acquisti durante questo periodo; le spedizioni riprenderanno regolarmente dal 7 gennaio 2025.

Il nostro team desidera ringraziarvi per il vostro continuo supporto e la vostra fedeltà. Auguriamo a voi e alle vostre famiglie un sereno Natale e un felice Anno Nuovo!

Grazie per la collaborazione e arrivederci a presto!