degustazione vini

Our wines

Barbaterre wines come from the grape varieties traditionally grown in the area, like Lambrusco Grasparossa and Salamino, Malbo Gentile and Marzemino. But we have also introduced varieties that over time have become firmly rooted in these areas, like Pinot Nero, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc.

Pinot Nero, the predominant grape grown on almost five hectares of land, is used to produce traditional method wines, refined on their own lees for a long time, and a still version.

With Sauvignon Blanc we produce a vintage Blanc de Blancs and an ancestral method wine with re-fermentation in the bottle.

Marzemino produces a sparkling rosé, also re-fermented, while with Cabernet Sauvignon we make a still red wine.

Lastly, with Lambrusco and Malbo Gentile we produce the traditional re-fermented Lambrusco wine typical of the Reggio Emilia hills and Lambruscante, a special and original version of traditional method wine.

All our wines involve a lengthy winemaking process, alongside a careful but limited human input to monitor and get the best out of them according to the character of each vintage year.


Experiencing a guided tour of our wineries allows you to savor the passion and dedication we put into making our wines every year.

Tel. 0522 1215716



The choice to produce sparkling wines is part of the very identity of Barbaterre. Pinot Nero and Sauvignon Blanc, the vineyards from which we produce our traditional method wines, have found the perfect terroir in these lands. The slopes where our vineyards are sited, the cool and healthy microclimate and the gypsum and lime rich soil provide the ideal conditions for making bubbly wines with a particular and distinctive identity.


The identity of traditional Reggio Emilia wine is reflected in the wines produced with re-fermentation in the bottle. Our ancestral methods are our way of paying homage to this ancient practice. Arsan, Paledor and Besmein Capolegh are our tangible and sincere tribute to the traditional farming practices in the Reggio Emilia hills as we strive to keep alive our connection with the rural world that is our home.


Barbaterre still red wines are made from vineyards grown at an altitude of 400 metres, immersed in woodland and in a remarkably biodiverse environment. The grapes grown in these conditions produce a wine with an original taste, full of freshness and tangy salinity, also due to the particularly suitable soil.

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Chiusura Natalizia

Carissimi clienti,

Vi informiamo che per festeggiare il periodo delle vacanze natalizie, il nostro e-commerce chiuderà temporaneamente da lunedì 24 dicembre 2024 a lunedì 6 gennaio 2025 per permettere al nostro team di godersi un meritato riposo e tornare con energie rinnovate.

Potrete continuare a navigare nel nostro sito e fare acquisti durante questo periodo; le spedizioni riprenderanno regolarmente dal 7 gennaio 2025.

Il nostro team desidera ringraziarvi per il vostro continuo supporto e la vostra fedeltà. Auguriamo a voi e alle vostre famiglie un sereno Natale e un felice Anno Nuovo!

Grazie per la collaborazione e arrivederci a presto!