Cinno Barbaterre



Pinot Nero and Cabernet Sauvignon are included in the blend of red grapes that go into this wine.
Its fresh, youthful nature is summed up by the name “Cinno”, which means “Young boy” in the dialect of Reggio Emilia.
Unlike Pèder and Capès, this wine is not aged in barrels. It is a versatile wine that can be enjoyed throughout meals, wonderfully complementing a vast range of Italian and international foods and dishes.

It goes well with delicate dishes containing red meat or game birds, as well as medium cheeses.


Ideal with white meats and roasts.

Sensory characteristics

It is a rich, ruby red colour and has a fresh fragrance, with balsamic and red fruit notes. On the palate, it is fruity, full-bodied and very polished, with a decent level of acidity.

Product information



A blend of red grapes



Found on land with clay-limestone soil that faces south-east, the vineyards are approximately 200 to 350 metres above sea level.

ALCOHOL: 11.5%



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