


With Lambruscante, we wanted to try our hand at making a traditional method rosé with the same grapes used in our bottle-fermented Lambrusco. Grasparossa, Salamino and Malbo Gentile grapes are the triumvirate behind Lambruscante.
They are harvested and processed at different times to get just the right level of ripeness. The resulting wine blends the straightforward qualities of Lambrusco grapes with the refined craftsmanship of the sparkling wine process.


Excellent as an aperitif but will be the star on the table on freshwater fish and Emilian dishes.

Sensory characteristics

The brightness of the salmon pink colour brings out the best of the remarkably rich, fine bead. Black cherries and blackcurrants are among the array of undergrowth aromas that emerge in the glass, nicely complementing the classic trenchant qualities of Lambrusco from Reggio Emilia. On the palate, it strikes a balance between rich, fruity flavours and the eager verve of Lambrusco.

Product information



Lambrusco Grasparossa 50% – Lambrusco Salamino 20% – Malbo gentile 30%



Found on land with clay-limestone soil that faces south-east, the vineyards are approximately 350 metres above sea level. The average age of the vines is 18 to 20 years old. Training system: Guyot.

ALCOHOL: 12.5%


12,5 %

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