Medra - Vino Bianco Emilia Romagna - Cantina Barbaterre



This white wine is full of character and substance. It is a bright straw yellow colour with old gold hues. Solidly structured, it has a rich and extremely fruity aroma. It is full-bodied and leisurely. On the palate, it is delightfully clean-cut, fresh and fragrant, thanks to its crispy underlying acidity and extremely rich flavour.


It is ideal for serving with cured meat platters or fish soup.

Sensory characteristics

Golden yellow colour. Varied and extremely fruity, with notes of ripe white-fleshed fruit. Fresh, fragrant and full-bodied, it lingers leisurely on the palate. It is ideal for serving with cured meat platters or fish soup.

Product information



A blend of white grapes



Found on land with clay-limestone soil that faces south-east, the vineyards are approximately 200 to 300 metres above sea level.




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