Palê d’Ôr - Sauvignon Blanc - Cantina Barbaterre - Emilia Romagna

Palê d’Ôr


Palê d’Ôr combines secondary fermentation in the bottle and the quintessential traits of Sauvignon Blanc to produce a refreshing creation that we like to call a “pool wine”. Despite its easy-drinking nature, it does not compromise on complexity and character. This wine combines the freshness of citrus fruit with a sense of fruity, floral elegance. Cheerful and lively, it is perfect for satisfying more discerning palates but will also appeal to anyone who is looking for an enticing, instantly enjoyable glass of wine.


Vegetable dishes, omelets, and appetizers.

Sensory characteristics

: It is a pale but bright straw yellow colour and it presents floral, green apple and citrus aromas, with traces of iodates. It is fresh and lively on the palate, with an invigorating sparkle and a genuinely delightful finish.

Product information



Sauvignon Blanc 100%



The south-facing vineyards are approximately 300 metres above sea level. There is a decent amount of gypsum in the clay-limestone soil, which offers good drainage.

ALCOHOL: 11.5%


11,5 %

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