Vino Brut Rose



Our range of traditional method wines would not be complete without a Barbaterre Pinot Nero rosé. In what has proved to be an inspired choice, the grape variety has really found itself at home in our vineyards. A long period of ageing on the lees helps to present an original take on Pinot Nero in this unprecedented, distinctive sparkling wine. It is only made in exceptional years: the most recent one on sale is from 2012


Roast meats but also fish soups.

Sensory characteristics

Pinot Nero is a demanding and fickle grape variety that has found an ideal home in the Barbaterre vineyards. In this rosé, the refined grapes produce a peach pink hue with aromas of candied orange, mixed berry jam and sweet spices. The rich, full flavour is sophisticated and varied.

Product information



Pinot Nero 100%



The soil has a decent clay and limestone content, with gypsum veins. The vineyards are spread across a number of south-west facing plots, at approximately 300 to 400 metres above sea level.

ALCOHOL: 12.5%


12,5 %

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Potrete continuare a navigare nel nostro sito e fare acquisti durante questo periodo; le spedizioni riprenderanno regolarmente dal 7 gennaio 2025.

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