Blanc de Noirs - Spumante Millesimato - Cantina Barbaterre - Emilia Romagna

Blanc de Noirs


Pinot Nero is the most common grape variety at Barbaterre. Therefore, it was only natural to create a traditional method version entirely made from exquisite fruit of the vines. The resulting wine spends at least 36 months on its lees, giving rise to the perfect combination between finesse and culinary versatility. Our Blanc de Noirs is a lively sparkling wine with a fine, intense bead and a rich flavour enhanced by the distinctive composition of the soil in the Terre Matildiche hills.


Seafood cuisine, both raw and cooked.

Sensory characteristics

The wine is a bright, golden colour and it presents floral aromas alongside scents of yellow-fleshed and citrus fruit. It is full-bodied and polished on the palate, with a touch of minerality in the powerful finish.

Product information



Pinot Nero 100%



The soil has a decent clay and limestone content, with gypsum veins. The soil has a decent clay and limestone content, with gypsum veins. The vineyards are spread across a number of south-west facing plots, at approximately 300 to 400 metres above sea level.

ALCOHOL: 12.5%


12,5 %

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